Shed a tear because I'm missing you. I'm still alright to smile. Boy, I think about you every day now, was a time when I wasn't sure. But you set my mind at ease. There is no doubt. you're in my heart now. Said, man, take it slow. It'll work itself out fine. All we need is just a little patience. Said, sugar, make it slow and we come together fine. All we need is just a little patience
(VAMOS POR EL TERCERO. Sobreviví y todavía vivo. No paso por la vida y tú tampoco deberías pasar. Es bueno ir a la lucha con determinación. Abrazar a la vida con pasión. Perder con clase y vencer con osadía. Porque el mundo pertenece a quien se atreve. Y la vida es mucho para ser insignificante)
lunes, 29 de marzo de 2010
sábado, 27 de marzo de 2010
For all those times you stood by me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------For all the truth that you made me see. ------------------------------------------For all the joy you brought to my life. --------------------------------------------------------------For all the wrong that you made right. -------------------------------------------------------------For every dream you made come true. -----------------------------------------------
For all the love I found in you I'll be forever thankful baby ---------------------------------------
You're the one who held me up. .
Never let me fall ------------------------------------------------------------------------
You're the one who saw me through it all.

lunes, 8 de marzo de 2010
domingo, 7 de marzo de 2010
sábado, 6 de marzo de 2010
¡ Felices quince, mejor amiga ! ♥
jueves, 4 de marzo de 2010
miércoles, 3 de marzo de 2010